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Everything's fucked up. I don't want to point my finger on someone.
U should not hang out with a workholic.
I'm a mobile. I don't want to go out with a bunch of smokers.
I don't want to waste my time being a nerd but I'm afraid I'll do.
Why am the last one to know the SHIT? Shit!!!
Don't try to threat me. I want to go so badly.
Today is not my day!!
I was late cuz the god damn sandwich.
Where's my postcard?
U know when I'm in bad mood I'll keep listen to April's music.
Hell she's not my fav singer. I was lying.
I said so only becuz she's fucking famous.
And she's going to town for the concert.
Damn I wish I could get there with Oswald though she's not the chick I adore now.

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在KFC孑孓晚餐 蝦堡 但是生菜竟然只有一片 阿咧
神奇的是這裡買法國麵包是用挑水果的方法喔 嚇死我
還要卡位 一整個不知在拼命什麼 明明我又不愛吃法國麵包
最近買東西活似被難民附身 又不是要去逃難
掃貨整個不手軟耶 結果買的水果麵包都吃不完..這女人轟了~
跟我逛的是 很愛喝酒的阿伯 我也覺得這組合很奇妙...

I joined an international English-speaking club this Sunday.
I finally found some people who I could understand their English!
There,I learned some aspect of local people from a smart guy.
He's really someone who has the talent to make a speech.
He bought everyone drink, nice!
If I got any chance, I'd love to talk with them.
And another guy took me to see the precidential palace.
My coleagues worried that he would take me to somewhere else.
He's a nice man but i didn't know what the heck I said he could take me to walk around.
I thought he meant everyone but it turned out to be he and I.
Afetr that,I eat lunch with Ki's pa,Japanese food in a fancy hotel.
I ate two bowls of rice!! Yum! I luv rice~
After that, I went to a traditional market where sells Sharks' Fin..
I bought some kiwi conserves. Maybe I'll bring some when I'm back.
It tastes good but I wander that we have that kind of food back there.

Cuz I need a smaller bag I went shopping and bought some DVD and CD.
I finally got Marie Digby's record.It's so cheap that I thought it's pirated.
But it has laser sticker ye. hum... Nowadays pirated stuff r close 2 real 2 me!!
And the X-file dvd (I want to believe) is BAD! Shit!

Here,it's the rain season and after heavy rains come the flood~
但是之前在台灣已經被嚇過 這裡的 還好啦~ 但是還是會怕水很髒...
晚上被Ki's pa抓去吃米糕粥 為什麼這麼比我會煮咧
神奇的是我們聊到my auntie and Mr. Japanese
結果隔天她就說他跟他求婚耶!! 我們還在那邊分析情局 整個很妙
這代表我以後有吃不完的抹茶牛奶糖嗎? 喔耶~
去大阪玩有地方住 呼呼~ 好吧 那Ki先借去當花童
畢竟我太不中用 不知何年才能
還凹ki's pa要介紹青年才俊給我 在本人苦苦哀求下 他要犧牲他美國表弟 哈
耶 我要去找王秘書順便相親啦 XP 努力工作去找王咪
王咪房間也太大了了吧 開轟趴都沒問題 噎死!

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搖滾精神就是老闆忘記加高麗菜殺氣騰騰去興師問罪 說:
討厭 您在想色色的事 對吧? 說:
討厭 您在想色色的事 對吧? 已送出 2008/6/12 下午 10:45:
討厭 您在想色色的事 對吧? 已送出 2008/6/12 下午 10:46:
搖滾精神就是老闆忘記加高麗菜殺氣騰騰去興師問罪 說:
搖滾精神就是老闆忘記加高麗菜殺氣騰騰去興師問罪 說:
慘了 我又落伍了
搖滾精神就是老闆忘記加高麗菜殺氣騰騰去興師問罪 說:
哈哈 好好笑喔
搖滾精神就是老闆忘記加高麗菜殺氣騰騰去興師問罪 說:
搖滾精神就是老闆忘記加高麗菜殺氣騰騰去興師問罪 說:
討厭 您在想色色的事 對吧? 說:
搖滾精神就是老闆忘記加高麗菜殺氣騰騰去興師問罪 說:
沒耶 等下喔
搖滾精神就是老闆忘記加高麗菜殺氣騰騰去興師問罪 說:
搖滾精神就是老闆忘記加高麗菜殺氣騰騰去興師問罪 說:
討厭 您在想色色的事 對吧? 說:
搖滾精神就是老闆忘記加高麗菜殺氣騰騰去興師問罪 說:
喔喔 大致都懂啦
搖滾精神就是老闆忘記加高麗菜殺氣騰騰去興師問罪 說:
討厭 您在想色色的事 對吧? 說:
簡體不需要學吧 ?
搖滾精神就是老闆忘記加高麗菜殺氣騰騰去興師問罪 說:
搖滾精神就是老闆忘記加高麗菜殺氣騰騰去興師問罪 說:
討厭 您在想色色的事 對吧? 說:
搖滾精神就是老闆忘記加高麗菜殺氣騰騰去興師問罪 說:
喔喔 你好利害喔!!
搖滾精神就是老闆忘記加高麗菜殺氣騰騰去興師問罪 說:
搖滾精神就是老闆忘記加高麗菜殺氣騰騰去興師問罪 說:
慘了 我現在想學烏龜那句日文
討厭 您在想色色的事 對吧? 說:
討厭 您在想色色的事 對吧? 說:
搖滾精神就是老闆忘記加高麗菜殺氣騰騰去興師問罪 說:
喔 對耶!!
討厭 您在想色色的事 對吧? 說:
搖滾精神就是老闆忘記加高麗菜殺氣騰騰去興師問罪 說:

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roque 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

不知道為啥我最近又有sleeping disorder的問題 不斷惡性循環下
就是越睡越多 精神越來越差 黑眼圈越來越重
但是還是決定要發揮阿Q精神一下 昨天我跟布魯酥發現用日出日落寫楽評真是酷到爆掉
整個讓我很想偷走自己殺來用 好歹也是我先提起這話題 讓我先用吧~~
不然好歹我當你謬思吧 哈哈
不過竟然說寇比很壯很舉重 真是太沒禮貌了吧
我只能說photoshop is everywhere!! 特效程度媲美魔戒阿 我還以為只有不然妮才需要咧
竟然眼睜睜冷冷看泡泡破掉 太狠了吧! 不過六首歌真的已經很好了~
好吧 等你成功Cosplay 大同電鍋 我就去追你 (可能身體先切一半比較快)
不過感覺你已經快修成正果了耶 ! 恭喜啦

繼小木村 槳有薄 汪大東後最心力作 COSPALY 大同電鍋

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I LOVE his voice! Grammy winner u ROCK!

So sexy~

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I'm so into Sweden's elect lately!

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by Alanis Morissette, From Jagged Little Pill

An old man turned ninety-eight
He won the lottery and died the next day
It's a black fly in your chardonnay 法國紅酒裡的一隻黑蒼蠅
It's a death row pardon two minutes too late
Isn't it ironic... don't you think

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures

Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly 安全至上先生怕坐飛機。
He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids good-bye
He waited his whole damn life to take that flight
And as the plane crashed down he thought
"Well, isn't this nice." And Isn't this ironic ... don't you think?

Repeat Chorus

Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything's ok and everythings going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out when
You think evertyhing's gone wrong and everthing blows up
In your face

A traffic jam when you're already late
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
and then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic... don't you think
A little too ironic.. and yeah I really do think...

Repeat Chorus

Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
And life has a funny way of helping you out
helping you out


Morissette以輕鬆的曲調唱出人生中一些莫可奈何或是意外的事。對於人生中這種極其諷刺的經驗,她認為生命或許就是如此,在你出其不意時莫名其妙地搞你一把,有時卻又莫名其妙地幫你一個大忙。這首歌若有個主題,大概就是「生命中不可避免之怪」吧!Life does a many funny ways.

roque 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

好啦 因為我MSN又在怪 所以我又搬家啦

我後來發現我終於搞懂MY SPACE

但是還是覺得跟LAUNCH還有M S 犯沖阿

可惡的阿伯 把我的ROQUE還我!


roque 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Feb 25 Sun 2007 17:12
  • Music

Alanis/ U oughta know---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPPf8hP8xBs

新歡 地球人--> http://www.myspace.com/lifehouse

愛薇兒 新單曲的中西日版 我傻眼

Mraz 的中文訪問 http://www.hitoradio.com/music/1i_1.php?inter_id=94

Rock n'Roll 石頭與肉 哈

roque 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Feb 10 Sat 2007 00:18
  • ICRT


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It looks pretty COOL !!

改天一定要去逛 被老東西整個都抓走了

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呼 歡迎收看大愛晚間劇場  人家處處有溫情  肛溫喔! 雖然錢被幹光 不過好險證件都在 真怕我回台灣會被抓走 .... 在我補辦完身分證 要辦金融卡時 好心的阿伯打電話給我 而且他還幫我把我四散的證件都撿回來 真是太感人了 要送他我最愛的GODIVA他也婉拒 真是好心人一枚 真想幫他小孩免費家教報答之類 祝他捕魚順  利風平浪靜 我昨天晚上的祈禱果真實現 不然我真的會變很憤世嫉俗 黑色的我又要出來尖酸刻薄 希望那些做壞事的亞人類通通消失 烏扥邦快來喲 不然我一直想詛咒我的錢上有病毒 炭伹熱什麼的 不然就什麼人類改造計畫 哈 喔 還有感謝賣湯包的阿伯 我想供品您自己吃就行了 這社會還是很多熱情的人的 Be positive! ^___^ ROCK ON !

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