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腰瘦!! 繼史上最敏捷胖子胖羅後 我之前很迷的牙擦酥也淪陷了
我果然足球lag很久了 哈哈哈 希望公司宿舍的卡卡跟席丹海報還在 呼呼~
本文引用自 TPCMAX - 老大 我也胖了!!!

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本文引用自 TPCMAX - 天啊!!!別再吃了

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Guapo~ 我現在相信小荒說西班牙人很帥了 哈 長的還真像女生咧~
不過這球真的進的很棒阿.. 曼城門將您辛苦了...

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肝池超有運動家風度 看完會流淚的好比賽!

雖然加時 但是好看到炸 好久沒看到這麼棒的比賽了~

不虧是Nipple Ring 大叔愛隊阿~讚站丈!

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What happened to Port's goalkeeper? Though I know few players in Premier League,
I knew this crazy guy a long time ago.
I guess he took the ex Thai minister bribes.
So I could understand why the Mandarin commentator kept mentioning that the goal was nasty!
Campell was good before or I mistook him for Viera?
And I recognize Ireland 2 cuz of his name!
Sadly, I found a lof of seats in the stadium were not taken hum I wandered whether the players now in ManC r not Mancunian friends or neighbors cuz the chairperson bought many foreign players. Doubt.. was J watching the game yesterday? haha I have 2 say it's not worth wantching lol
But ManC's jersey looks great I want have 1!

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Thank u Henry! I was so surprised when I picked my mobile and found
unknown numbers. Why did he have my cell phone number? haha~
Anyway, he kept his promise and I was overwhelmed!
Stata Cruz was amazing last night! GOal! I'm happy 2 c him on the field!
He's the most gorgeous player!
C'mon Kaka can work for AJ I'm sure babygol can do better as a model!
Sign him sign him!
I have no idea why the Mandarin commentator kept talking about $3.5 million
pounds and one of the English commentators repeated "sensation" so many times!
But it's been a while since I didn't watched English Premier League,
I couldn't recognize some of the players and
some of the old faces also changed a lot!
Giggs is the captain of ManU and Fed looks very bad.
But is Rooney thinner? 但是如果他當國家隊長 不好吧 先跟對方打起來應該會他吧..
小羅依舊是一臉仙人跳臉耶 到底哪裡俊美啦?! 聖誕老人牽球童的畫面比較打動我~
但是不來課本處理球的方式我不是很喜歡 不乾不淨很想給牌唉 相較之下曼聯就好多囉
昨天守門員有神勇到 卡恩附身 可惜沒拿下3分 但是打平也好 不然Becks應該會哭吧 哈
但是後來我竟然邊看邊講電話 掛了才發現聊了一個半場=.= 電磁波好強好恐怖
希望你家電話費沒炸掉阿 Peace!

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Slip of tougue...again

Am I a retard?

I don't think I can be an ET...

Let me die....

I don't know why I was too nervous to pronounce words correctly..

How fucking silly I am!!

grill crown slide sled

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Attention, c'est la danse du COUP DE BOULE !

Coup de boule, coup de boule
Coup de boule à droite
Coup de boule, coup de boule
Coup de boule à gauche
Allez les bleus !
Allez !

Zidane il a frappé, Zidane il a tapé
Coup de boule
Zidane il a frappé, Zidane il a tapé
Coup de boule
Zidane il a frappé, Zidane il a tapé
Coup de boule
Zidane il a frappé, Zidane il a tapé
Coup de boule

Le rital il a eu mal
Zidane il a frappé
L'italien ne va pas bien
Zidane il a tapé
L'arbitre l'a vu à la télé
Zidane il a frappé
Mais la coupe on l'a ratée
On a quand même bien rigolé

Trézéguet n'a pas joué
Quand il a joué il a raté
Il a tout fait capoter
La coupe on l'a ratée
Barthez n'a rien arrêté
C'est pourtant pas compliqué
Les sponsors sont tous fâchés
Mais Chirac a bien parlé

Attention, c'est la danse du COUP DE BOULE !

Coup de boule, coup de boule
Coup de boule à droite
Coup de boule, coup de boule
Coup de boule à gauche
Coup de boule, coup de boule
Coup de boule avant
Coup de boule, coup de boule
Coup de boule arrière
Coup de boule, coup de boule
Et maintenant penalty
Attention il va tirer
1, 2, 3,
c'est raté !

Zidane il a frappé, Zidane il a tapé x4

On a quand même bien rigolé
Zidane et Trézéguet
La coupe on l'a ratée
Zidane et Trézéguet
On a quand même bien rigolé
Zidane et Trézéguet
La coupe on l'a ratée
Zidane et Trézéguet
Et Trézéguet
Et Trézéguet
Et Trézéguet, guet, guet
Et Trézéguet
Coup de boule, coup de boule
Et Trézéguet
Coup de boule, coup de boule
Et Trézéguet
Coup de boule, coup de boule
Et Trézéguet
Coup de boule, coup de boule
Guet, guet
Et Trézéguet
http://video.worldcupblog.org/videos/iyysAnNUuYE/   http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=1406071416271 詳細介紹

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