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Love and other impossible pursuit

I prefer the bk name and it's really a GREAT movie.

Natalie Portman is amazing~And the boy is fantastic!

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Must CCCC!!! Team Burton!

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希望過年上片! 這樣我才看的到阿~
我的電影waiting list
有Ang Lee, Alice in wonderland and Christmas Carol(這部不會很應景就選聖誕上吧)

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After seeing Penelope, I just want to get a hat like that!!!
Why can it be so soft but still have the shape ?
I can c my name on it~ I want one so bad...

Back to my reflection to it
the modern female version of Prince frog just let me wonder the inner beauty.
All the fairy tale tells us don't judge a person by the apperance
but somehow we just judge a book by its cover, don't we?
So it's quite contradictory.

Anyway, the leading man is HOT! He just looks like a Scot without any accent.
Actually, he's the one in everywhere. He's sorta Brit version of Leonardo to me.
Bright future, kudos!

Two days straight Fi and I have girls talk till midnight.
One thing trickyt here, she said that lots of guys gathered around me
when I did something in art class in 5th grade.
Boom.. no memory about this part.

About accosting , usually I feel terrible and try to retrospeact what I've done.
Do I look easy or something else?

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本文引用自 tuanuu - 徵文:我是電影明星--黑暗騎士 小丑(內有恐怖照片 請自行斟酌觀賞)(編輯中)
肉包傳給我看 七月半還沒過 恐怖照片請小心開啟~
如果我在十月底回台 還有力氣 我們萬聖節來玩個黑暗騎士啪吧!!!
我看完TDK不覺得很黑暗耶 其實很認同小丑一些想法(難道我是危險人物)
還是因為我在陳冠C出來前就開始一陣尿意襲來 一定是咖哩太辣我喝太多水
還吃了一個難吃的甜筒 更早之前還解決一杯飲料....
但是因為我們位子實在太中間 還有IMAX太吸引我
總之 我就這樣憋到結尾 我的膀胱辛苦你了...
那天回到車上已經一點 回到小荒家已經一點半
結果後來我們又在枕邊閒談 害我隔天臉腫到枕邊人不想認我 哈
聽王咪說她米國看12.5 其實跟台灣差不多耶~

本日早餐 粄條(很辣)+番薯哥+青漿
奇怪明明沒做什麼事怎麼這麼累 右手一直很痠痛耶
要不是要去拿護照 我可能就變身為跟蹤超人囉
可能他感應到我不懷好軌 他走超快 徒留一地餘香
我葛魯已上身 諷刺的是我整身油煙味 真是羞

我室友竟然比我大十幾歲!! 看不出來耶~

月老 我是要好桃花捏?
我都照籤詩跑這麼遠 快賞我一個好桃花吧@

童顏熟男要怎麼翻呀? 我最近真的翻譯病上身了!

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Rock'N'Roll Mommmm !! Juno rules! U go,Ellen Page~
Luv her T-shirt!
Memorable quotes

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在百般波折下 我跟王秘書終於殺去看了朱諾
結果開眼時間不凖 野人網也是不准 吼攸 到底是哪個時間表啦!! 超想去翻他們櫃檯!
總之我們悠哉去買票時 竟然已經演了5分 掯 火大 而且只有DM有上 詭異耶!
我其實很想看好客 可惜還沒上 唉 愛德華諾頓~~ 可惜不是李安導 第一集我很愛耶
但是看完近十一點的尷尬時間讓我們一度想轉戰哪泥阿兔 後來還是衝朱諾啦
趁空檔趕緊殺去我一直想去試的貴婦睫毛膏 小姐非常好心幫我修了毛毛蟲眉
其實我在留眉毛 因為我手殘把愛波修的跟FRAN一樣 總之 推嬌蘭小姐 比修眉達人更強!
還幫我畫了一個美麗的妝... 害我沒看到最前面五分 可惡 精華床戲耶!! 我們北詛咒啦
結論是很好看 但是我想要的水晶限量版沒了沒了沒了 而且還沒試到眼線...阿咧 到底是去幹嘛
不過朱諾 *就是神話希拉* 非常好看!!! 很感人耶 但是裡面太多黑話聽無
我笑點爆低 再度發生希普森家族慘劇 只要有胖的地方都亂笑 一開始的畫面很棒耶
沒看到前五分鐘真的很惋惜...悲...而且我一直想偷看孩子的爹的小短褲 哈 那短褲是啥鬼

對了 給說我們歹戲拖棚的amigas
我想會這樣真的是因為我是沒膽喊卡 我想我是個沒才氣的導演

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English movie in espanol atmosphere!
It's soooo cooooool! I luv it!

The Carpenters


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(C) 1981!!!

Litlle Miss Sunshine || Olive's Dance Scene

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I fell in luv with James Marsden when he starred in Gossip. (雖然鼻孔外翻但還是帥阿~ XP)
He was so god damn bad in that movie but i have 2 say he did a great job as the leading role.

I don't appreciate his role in X-men series cuz I can't c his beautiful eyes and smile.
Luckily, Oswald made me notice Enchanted when we saw the movie American Gangsters.
O rite, he's my type! Look at him. He looks like J. lol Anyway. he just has the look I adore.

I luv he acted like a total retard (oops) at Enchanted. He's so amazing.
I don't know why he can fit any role he plays perfectly! A 34-yr-old prince , that's funny!

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Undying love is like the ghost in your villa. Everybody talks about it, but try and find one person who has seen it. 真愛就像村莊流傳的鬼故事一樣,每個人都在談論他,但沒有人實際看過他的出現。

Men don't trust women. Women don't trust women. No one trusts women. It's what binds the Catholic and the Hindu.男人不相信女人,女人不相信女人,沒有人相信女人。這跟天主教與印度教一樣。

Marital bliss is a terrible burden to place on two people, Tuppy. Sometimes a third person is needed to lighten the load.兩個人要擁有婚姻的喜悅是一種沉重的負擔,有時候是需要第三者來照亮他們的路

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