
Undying love is like the ghost in your villa. Everybody talks about it, but try and find one person who has seen it. 真愛就像村莊流傳的鬼故事一樣,每個人都在談論他,但沒有人實際看過他的出現。
Men don't trust women. Women don't trust women. No one trusts women. It's what binds the Catholic and the Hindu.男人不相信女人,女人不相信女人,沒有人相信女人。這跟天主教與印度教一樣。
Marital bliss is a terrible burden to place on two people, Tuppy. Sometimes a third person is needed to lighten the load.兩個人要擁有婚姻的喜悅是一種沉重的負擔,有時候是需要第三者來照亮他們的路