Thank u Henry! I was so surprised when I picked my mobile and found
unknown numbers. Why did he have my cell phone number? haha~
Anyway, he kept his promise and I was overwhelmed!
Stata Cruz was amazing last night! GOal! I'm happy 2 c him on the field!
He's the most gorgeous player!
C'mon Kaka can work for AJ I'm sure babygol can do better as a model!
Sign him sign him!
I have no idea why the Mandarin commentator kept talking about $3.5 million
pounds and one of the English commentators repeated "sensation" so many times!
But it's been a while since I didn't watched English Premier League,
I couldn't recognize some of the players and
some of the old faces also changed a lot!
Giggs is the captain of ManU and Fed looks very bad.
But is Rooney thinner? 但是如果他當國家隊長 不好吧 先跟對方打起來應該會他吧..
小羅依舊是一臉仙人跳臉耶 到底哪裡俊美啦?! 聖誕老人牽球童的畫面比較打動我~
但是不來課本處理球的方式我不是很喜歡 不乾不淨很想給牌唉 相較之下曼聯就好多囉
昨天守門員有神勇到 卡恩附身 可惜沒拿下3分 但是打平也好 不然Becks應該會哭吧 哈
但是後來我竟然邊看邊講電話 掛了才發現聊了一個半場=.= 電磁波好強好恐怖
希望你家電話費沒炸掉阿 Peace!
- Apr 20 Sun 2008 16:43
Blackburn vs Manchester United